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Summer’s Most Delicate Moments in Nana Jacqueline

Summer’s Most Delicate Moments in Nana Jacqueline

The sun's scorching heat in June and the sticky breath in the air began to spread. I couldn't help but want people to flee. This long-lost feeling gradually invaded and spread in the summer.


I have seen a paragraph about "Summer time" in an article, so that every summer time I will recall memories of this text again.

There is a "Summer time" in everyone's life. So what picture silhouette is [Summer time] in your heart ?

Today, I organized some limited summer LOOKS to share with you from Nana Jacqueline. Take these inspirations and create some new elements for your "Summer time" ~

Summer brings people more enthusiasm and impulse to dress up.

In the " Leaves to Paradise" Leave Her to Heave stills, Gene Tierney 's brown medium-long curly hair and puff sleeve nightdress make memorable memories.

Leave Her to Heave
Leave Her to Heave

The mottled reflections on the walls did not affect her desire for beauty and refinement, just like "little princess in the attic". The pettiskirt, puff sleeves, and the right decoration of the princess collar elements all convey a playful girly feeling.

Leave Her to HeaveLeave her to Heave

Therefore, the new fabric of the blazer creates a distinctive silhouette, interwoven with the classic design to create a new look. It is embellished with a retro pleated design and paired with shorts without losing your own style, which will bring you more possibilities this summer, and at the same time have a sense of comfort.

Kelsey Blazer Set | Nana Jacqueline


Moreover, in this summer with strong light, the color of dry roses contrasts the fragility and delicate skin. It is not like the passionate red roses, which exudes the calmness and romance of women. It is sweet but not greasy, delicate and not glamorous, which brings a richer high-end style. 🌊

Go to the secret bay to swim in the clear water, feed the fish and watch the seagulls, roast corn on the beach, bask in the sun, laugh arrogantly, catch the fish in the sea, see the night sky and moon...


If your picture of summer is the seaside, when the delicate and delicate face is blown by the sea breeze, the gentle long hair is blowing, and the smell of the waves is still lingering between the noses. Whether it is the setting sun or the clear sky, looking around is all a natural gift.

When the moving picture is frozen, you must not forget the skirt that the girl should have bloomed, it can withstand all the gentleness of this life.

The printed tulle is like an elf leaping in the sun. The flower language brought by roses includes not only love, but also beauty and bravery, and the bare back design is more suitable for the seaside shape.

Hoods of the same material not only express the last stubbornness to this scorching sun, but can also be used as a belt to add color to the entire look.

VOGUE creative director Grace Coddington ( Grace. Ke Dingdun ) of "I am fashion" segment had mentioned her personal life romantic moments.


When they interacted with photographer Duke in the early 1970s, they would walk hand in hand along the Seine River, as people have seen in ancient movie scenes, and despite being penniless, always made themselves as fashionable as possible.


The trees sway gently in the summer breeze,

showing off their shiny leaves. 

Let’s take a walk together, 

kiss in the summer, 

laugh out loud,

and drive away all your troubles. 

Only me and you

The trees swayed gently in the summer breeze, showing off their shiny leaves. We walked together, kissed softly in the summer, laughed away all the troubles, only me and you

—— A Summer Song

Grace Coddington

The LOOK of the shirt is the perfect choice, which runs through the dual atmosphere of elegance and femininity.

The fusion of classic low-saturation tones and the luster of clothing can make it look more refined.


French Silk Polka Dot Shirt | Nana Jacqueline

The white dots decorate a girl's playful and cute, but still can capture the mystery of the micro-transparent fabric, adding more women's romantic tenderness.

French Silk Polka Dot Shirt | Nana Jacqueline

At the same time, on the makeup side, I also pursue a sense of gloss, especially don't forget the earrings, you can feel the flowing style with your eyes closed.

In addition, there may be more fascinating moments in midsummer...

Exquisite afternoon tea LOOK 

Carnival Party LOOK

These layers of pictures about "Summer time", with these romantic clips, it seems that they are no longer so resistant to summer, the sun starts to soften, and even the air becomes fresher.

Many partings must happen in summer, and some encounters may eventually happen. 🍦What is your [Summer time]?  Welcome to leave a message to share with us...


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