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アメリカ合衆国 (USD $)
  • アイスランド (ISK kr)
  • アイルランド (EUR €)
  • アゼルバイジャン (AZN ₼)
  • アメリカ合衆国 (USD $)
  • アラブ首長国連邦 (AED د.إ)
  • アルジェリア (DZD د.ج)
  • アルゼンチン (USD $)
  • アルバ (AWG ƒ)
  • アルバニア (ALL L)
  • アルメニア (AMD դր.)
  • アンギラ (XCD $)
  • アンゴラ (USD $)
  • アンティグア・バーブーダ (XCD $)
  • アンドラ (EUR €)
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  • イタリア (EUR €)
  • インド (INR ₹)
  • インドネシア (IDR Rp)
  • ウガンダ (UGX USh)
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  • エジプト (EGP ج.م)
  • エストニア (EUR €)
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  • エチオピア (ETB Br)
  • エルサルバドル (USD $)
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  • オランダ領カリブ (USD $)
  • オーストラリア (AUD $)
  • オーストリア (EUR €)
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  • カメルーン (XAF Fr)
  • カンボジア (KHR ៛)
  • カーボベルデ (CVE $)
  • ガイアナ (GYD $)
  • ガボン (XOF Fr)
  • ガンビア (GMD D)
  • ガーナ (USD $)
  • ガーンジー (GBP £)
  • キプロス (EUR €)
  • キュラソー (ANG ƒ)
  • キリバス (USD $)
  • キルギス (KGS som)
  • ギニア (GNF Fr)
  • ギニアビサウ (XOF Fr)
  • ギリシャ (EUR €)
  • クウェート (USD $)
  • クック諸島 (NZD $)
  • クロアチア (EUR €)
  • グアテマラ (GTQ Q)
  • グアドループ (EUR €)
  • グリーンランド (DKK kr.)
  • グレナダ (XCD $)
  • ケイマン諸島 (KYD $)
  • ケニア (KES KSh)
  • コスタリカ (CRC ₡)
  • コモロ (KMF Fr)
  • コロンビア (USD $)
  • サウジアラビア (SAR ر.س)
  • サモア (WST T)
  • サントメ・プリンシペ (STD Db)
  • サンマリノ (EUR €)
  • サン・バルテルミー (EUR €)
  • サン・マルタン (EUR €)
  • ザンビア (USD $)
  • シエラレオネ (SLL Le)
  • シンガポール (SGD $)
  • ジブチ (DJF Fdj)
  • ジブラルタル (GBP £)
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  • ジャージー (USD $)
  • ジョージア (USD $)
  • スイス (CHF CHF)
  • スウェーデン (SEK kr)
  • スペイン (EUR €)
  • スリナム (USD $)
  • スリランカ (LKR ₨)
  • スロバキア (EUR €)
  • スロベニア (EUR €)
  • セネガル (XOF Fr)
  • セルビア (RSD РСД)
  • セントクリストファー・ネーヴィス (XCD $)
  • セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島 (XCD $)
  • セントルシア (XCD $)
  • セーシェル (USD $)
  • ソロモン諸島 (SBD $)
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  • タンザニア (TZS Sh)
  • タークス・カイコス諸島 (USD $)
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  • デンマーク (DKK kr.)
  • トリニダード・トバゴ (TTD $)
  • トンガ (TOP T$)
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  • ドイツ (EUR €)
  • ドミニカ共和国 (DOP $)
  • ドミニカ国 (XCD $)
  • ナイジェリア (NGN ₦)
  • ナウル (AUD $)
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  • ニウエ (NZD $)
  • ニカラグア (NIO C$)
  • ニューカレドニア (XPF Fr)
  • ニュージーランド (NZD $)
  • ネパール (NPR ₨)
  • ノルウェー (USD $)
  • ハイチ (USD $)
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  • バングラデシュ (BDT ৳)
  • バーレーン (USD $)
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  • モルドバ (MDL L)
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  • 韓国 (KRW ₩)
  • English
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  • français


Digital Marketing and Ecommerce Manager

We’re looking for a creative Senior Digital Marketing Manager in Ecommerce fashion Industry and contribute seasoned online business knowledge to the brand, paying special attention to revenue growth and site optimization.
Key responsibility:
- eCommerce site design to improve users' experience throughout the sales funnel by targeting streamlined website functionality and personalized customer messaging.
- Implementing programs across all areas of B2C sales including merchandising strategy, marketing strategy, operational strategy, website development and product management.
- continues to grow the brand's digital advertising and email marketing campaign conversions by analyzing key consumer trends.
Job Details:
  • Creating a Marketing Strategies, campaigns and calendar.
  • Build team strategy, hire and train team
  • Build effective systems and team strategy
  • Coach, delegate, oversee and edit all work
  • Maintain marketing costs
  • Creating marketing goals and report results
  • Lead the execution of online and offline marketing programs from start to finish for channels such as paid social, paid search, affiliates, email, newsletter, events etc.
  • Contribute to creative development with creative strategy and copywriting
  • Create and maintain weekly reports and dashboards related to performance
Website Design and Merchandiser:
  • Website Design ( layout strategy, system, apps and software, UI & UX, all other features such as return portal, chat feature, loyal program etc)
  • Work with graphic designer for email graphics, sms graphics and social media graphics.
  • Website Merchandiser ( edit and size all products, description, variation, sku, discount code & site wide sale set up)
  • Help Customer Service via chat and disputes, and control returns
Ads team Role:
  • Partner with cross-functional teams facebook ads and seo to ideate and implement new ad concepts
  • Build robust A/B testing experiments to optimize budget, traffic and conversion rates
  • Work closely with executive team to build the marketing tech stack and ensure that brand is properly collecting and tracking data related to customer acquisition
  • Lead paid marketing reporting and analysis, ensuring that team and stakeholders have transparency into marketing performance
Reporting and analytics:
  • Measure, test, analyze, and report on the effectiveness of acquisition and provide recommendations for improvements
  • Monthly website analytics & reporting
  • Facebook ads reporting
  • Google analytics reporting
  • email & sms reporting
  • google ads reporting
  • expense reporting
That said, these responsibilities are just the start! At NJ, we encourage you to contribute wherever your interests take you — and shape your role accordingly.
In addition to being excited about the key responsibilities, bonus points if you have…
· 10+ years of analytical, strategic and/or digital marketing experience in a position such as performance marketing, management consulting, or data analysis · Extensive knowledge of paid acquisition channels, especially Facebook and other social platforms · Experience in an e-commerce business and/or with digital marketing · Robust analytical skills and a desire to use data in creative ways to drive and measure results
Benefits & Perks:
· Paid PTO for eligible employees
· Fun, flexible, and entrepreneurial work environment
· Clothing discount, company-wide stipend for wellness activities (spend it on the Epic Pass, massages, or even fitness classes, you choose!)

UX/ UI Graphic Designer 

  • The Junior Graphic Designer will hold a dynamic position within the company to create social media materials, banner ads, and other layouts.
  • This position will work with Marketing Director to design high quality digital assets for social media marketing, E-Commerce, and sales.
  • The ideal candidate is very social media savvy and in the know of new design trends, techniques, and tools in the digital world.
  • Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following.
  • Other duties may be assigned.
  • Design and layout fashion images for designer spotlights, trends, blog posts, web and print campaigns
  • Send e-mail blasts, among other features on a daily basis
  • Touch up digital imagery of product shots and fashion images
  • Use HTML coding to execute designs to web
  • Collaborate with the Marketing team to create banner ads and social media materials
  • Ensure revisions relayed are done in a timely and accurately manner
  • Work cohesively across multiple tams to ensure close collaboration, brand consistency, and timely project completion
  • Design dramatic and eye-catching graphic solutions to communicate brand message in all print related avenues
  • Research, identify, and share current industry design trends and competitive reviews as they relate to the brand
  • Actively participation in meetings and design critiques
  • Complete ad-hoc tasks and assignments as directed by management
  • Ability to demonstrate logical thinking and problem solving skills
  • Ability to develop strong, synergistic relations with a multitude of teams and personnel
  • Strong multitasking, prioritization, and organization skills
  • Strong work ethic to excel in a fast paced environment
  • Capable self-manner ability to give constructive criticism, encourage teammates, and celebrate team successes
  • Possess a strong work ethic to excel in a fast paced environment
  • A creative design aesthetic that complements the current style of the company
  • Must have a minimum of 2-4 years experience working in a similar role
  • Bachelor's of Arts in Motion Graphics, Graphic Design or equivalent experience
  • Expertise in Adobe Illustrator, InDesign and Photoshop Software
  • Experience with social media marketing
  • Strongly skilled in Design, Typography, Grid and Layout
  • Basic knowledge of HTML or WYSIWYG editor skills
  • Experience in creating animated video clips for various social media outlets
  • Knowledge of digital trends in the fashion industry
  • A successful candidate works well in a dynamic environment with minimal supervision.


Social Media Specialist 

Major Responsibilities:

Essential Duties and Responsibilities include the following. Other duties may be assigned.

  • Creating + scheduling content across all social media platforms
  • Source UGC content
  • Publish approved, final content to applicable social channels
  • Assist Manager, Social Media + Content and team support for day-to-day content and tasks
  • Competitor research
  • Knowledge about Dashhudson
  • Daily/ Weekly Analytical Report 

Required Competencies:

To perform the job successfully, an individual should demonstrate the following competencies:

  • A creative eye to create + curate on-brand, engaging content
  • Strong communication + copywriting skills
  • Ability to keep up with tight deadlines + multitask
  • Strong knowledge of Nana Jacqueline Brand
  • Strong knowledge of Influencers
  • Knowledge in using photo + video editing apps to create social assets
  • Detail-oriented with strong organizational skills

Minimum Qualifications:

  • 2+ years experience in social media or marketing
  • Bachelor’s Degree
  • Highly active on social media
  • Strong knowledge of influencers
  • Strong knowledge of nana Jacqueline brands
  • Excellent communication skills
  • Social copywriting experience + ability to adapt to the brand voice

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Bachelor’s Degree in Social Media Marketing or Communications
  • Experience with Dash Hudson
  • Experience with GSuite
  • Experience with Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest
  • Experience with photo + video editing

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